Distance Healing
What is it?
Everything is Energy. All things are connected and all things are, in their essential nature…One. Therefore, the way distance healing works is not so much about sending the energy, as it is about finding that connection and becoming One with the recipient. The concept of space and time as we know it, does not apply to energy in the way we think it does. Energy does not need to move through time and space as we do. It is…everything, everywhere, every time. We may perceive that there is a physical distance, but the Universal Life Force Energy is transmitted in the same way as if practitioner and recipient were both in the same room. This means that distance healing has the same potency and effect that a healing in person would have.
As a certified Reiki Practitioner, I have been attuned to this way of connecting with my clients.
Click the button below to find out more about Reiki Healing or to book a session.
What to expect from a treatment
A distance Reiki treatment can be done in a few different ways. If you would prefer to be contacted by phone or video conferencing, the entire treatment can be performed while on the phone. Alternatively, we can begin the session with a 10-15min phone call to have a chat and initial consult. Once we have disconnected, I will begin the treatment, lasting approximately 30mins. You will not need to do anything during the treatment. You may go about your day as per usual and the energy will still have the same effect as if you were lying on the treatment table.
Prior to the treatment, I do ask that you provide me with a photograph of yourself (or the recipient if it is not you). This allows me to focus the energy towards you specifically. If you do not feel comfortable with this, that is absolutely fine as the treatment will still work by using your name and intent.
For further information or to book, please contact me via phone, message or email.